5Extraordinary Artificial Intelligence Application

It is so commonly heard and used, the term ‘AI’, we do not even recognize how deeply it is integrated with our daily lives.

History of Artificial Intelligence is a field that has got the information accumulated from nearly the 1950s. Today we are now capable of integrating software in very small dimensions, which makes it possible to use any technology in every kind of tool in our daily lives.

While AI can be summarized as a digital copy of a human brain, it is important to seize the power and the capacity of AI. There are cases that go even beyond your imagination, making you question the future and the limits of AI.

Hence I tried to gather the examples that support my observation and let me give the top 5 very interesting usages of AI, that is gonna make you wonder about the future one more time.

1. AlphaGo Zero

Go is a board game that is invented in Chins, over 3,000 thousand years ago. The game simply relies on conquering the spaces on the board with either white or black stones, who has more stones on the board wins. Go is a very complex game, due to the possibility of different moves.

In October 2015, when AlphaGo has faced with a three-time European Champion Mr. Fan Hui, won the first game with a 5–0 score. AlphaGo was using Reinforcement Learning technique and trained over many other players’ moves.

But in 2017, AlphaGo transformed to AlphaGo Zero , by changing its ‘character’ from scratch. This time AlphaGo Zero has trained itself by simply playing against itself. No need to tell that, this approach made it remarkably unbeatable.

2. thispersondoesnotexist.com

Computer vision is a very popular field of AI, and a GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) are specially designed for this field. It take images as inputs and mimic them! An application that is developed by Philip Wang and published at ‘thispersondoesnotexist.com’, generates a person’s face, a person that does not exist in the world. Well, at least not that we know of. Not only it makes you think how realistic the images are, but also Mr. Wang tries to show the society, the purpose to develop an application is really important, since we are on the edge of nothing is impossible.

3. MuseNet

Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash

MuseNet is an application developed with AI that can generate music. It can mimic 11 different music instruments also it writes symphonies, just as Bach or Mozart. But one of the researches showed that AI can produce so real-like Bach symphonies, a human can not tell who is the owner of the symphony; Bach or MuseNet ?

It was deeply argumentative to huge Bach fans, but after a public test, there was no point in arguing about it anymore.

4. Lunit

National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Healthcare is a high-priority field of technology, meaning that AI is used in various applications in order to increase early detection rates or prevent false alarms (the cases that the person is not ill but wrongly diagnosed).

Lunit, an AI-based solution, is trained on many Lung cancer X-Ray images and compared with current lung cancer detection, it has seen that the algorithm can increase early detection rate around 20%, while decreasing the time spent to read the X-Ray images around 40%.

The algorithm is trained by using more than one million images and it makes you feel more secure about early detection.

5. Chef Watson

Developed by IBM, Chef Watson creates miracles in your kitchen. Different than standard cooking recipes, Chef Watson takes very limited amount of ingredients that you give and produce a recipe with it.

Actually Chef Watson is an answer to the question of, can a computer be creative, and the answer is a “Yes”, with no doubt. While it is called computational creativity by people work at IBM, they define the algorithm behind it as a combination of using big databases of recipes, the flavor compounds in thousands of ingredients, and psychological data on human perception.

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